Welcome Back to Grief Beyond Belief

After over two years of hacking, downtime, and sundry other technical difficulties, Grief Beyond Belief’s blog and website are up and running again. Huge thanks to Tasha Millhouse, our new webmaster, for the redesign and for keeping things running smoothly for the near future. And of course, thank you to the community for your patience. You will be seeing new blog entries and additions to the Secular Grief Library in the coming months, including writing from some new voices. We are also welcoming new information for our list of resources, particularly contact information for secular and Humanist funeral officiants and celebrants.

In the last two years, our community has grown substantially. Sometimes it is hard just keeping up. But we are doing our best to continue to provide spaces for peer-to-peer grief support free of religion and spiritualism, myth and mysticism. I have written a guide, The Secular Grief Support Handbook, for community organizations who wish to provide in-person support in their areas. If you are interested in getting a copy, please email me at rebeccahensler@gmail.com.



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