Coming Through: Humor, Me

People who know me know I’ve got an off-beat sense of humor. I find most of my humor in situations others would consider pretty terrible, because I have a sick sad little mind, sometimes. We have to laugh though, because if we don’t we’re gonna get crushed. And that isn’t some two-bit philosophy – sometimes […]

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Guest Post: When Life Seems Too Much, We Are the Most Human

This guest blog post from Rabbi Adam Chalom of Kol Hadash Humanistic Congregation, was originally delivered as part of a High Holidays sermon in 2008.  We thank him for this contribution to the community of Grief Beyond Belief.  Rabbi Chalom is listed in our directory of secular and Humanist funeral officiants on the Resource Page of this site. When […]

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Coming Through: Good Grief, Again?

Going through the archives of GBB, I frequently find comments where people ask why their brains insist on not just remembering that someone is gone, but reminding them they’re gone. We forget for a few precious seconds and have our minds to ourselves, then bam, we’re hit again. We see a show and laugh, reaching […]

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