Nothing’s Ever Yours to Keep

By Nicola Ginzler Sun is red, moon is cracked, Daddy’s never coming back. Nothing’s ever yours to keep, Close your eyes, go to sleep. —Tom Waits, Blood Money So I’m driving the 25 miles down 101 from San Francisco to Belmont, CA, listening to the ever-cheerful Mr. Waits and crying my eyes out. I’m on […]

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By Rebecca Hensler, Founder of Grief Beyond Belief For a while you just feel broken. Like grief just cracked you open. Maybe it happened all at once, like an explosion that blasted you from whole to shrapnel in one moment. Or maybe it started with a hairline fracture that spread until you split. You feel […]

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Training Professionals in Caring for Grieving Nonbelievers: A Report Back From the MNHPC Conference

By Rebecca Hensler, Founder of Grief Beyond Belief I started thinking about teaching professionals about how to provide appropriate support for grieving nonbelievers a long time ago. I can’t remember when I realized we need this; maybe it was when I discovered that the UC Berkeley Extension program in The Study of Grief and Loss […]

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Welcome Back to Grief Beyond Belief

After over two years of hacking, downtime, and sundry other technical difficulties, Grief Beyond Belief’s blog and website are up and running again. Huge thanks to Tasha Millhouse, our new webmaster, for the redesign and for keeping things running smoothly for the near future. And of course, thank you to the community for your patience. […]

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