Nothing’s Ever Yours to Keep

By Nicola Ginzler Sun is red, moon is cracked, Daddy’s never coming back. Nothing’s ever yours to keep, Close your eyes, go to sleep. —Tom Waits, Blood Money So I’m driving the 25 miles down 101 from San Francisco to Belmont, CA, listening to the ever-cheerful Mr. Waits and crying my eyes out. I’m on […]

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Guest Post: Rumination

by Hank Fox, author of Red Neck Blue Collar Atheist: Simple Thoughts About Reason, Gods & Faith, reposted from his blog, A Citizen of Earth. Three years later, I don’t dwell on my Dad all the time. When I do dwell on him, I can have these surges of sorrow, missing him with painful intensity. But it’s […]

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Guest Post: “Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow”

“Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow” by Humanistic Rabbi Adam Chalom This post was originally delivered as part of a Yom Kippur Memorial sermon at Kol Hadash Humanistic Congregation in 2008. The human brain is marvelous. It can experience the world around us, processing a million sensations a minute into coherent reality. It can analyze, synthesize, and […]

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Guest Post: When Life Seems Too Much, We Are the Most Human

This guest blog post from Rabbi Adam Chalom of Kol Hadash Humanistic Congregation, was originally delivered as part of a High Holidays sermon in 2008.  We thank him for this contribution to the community of Grief Beyond Belief.  Rabbi Chalom is listed in our directory of secular and Humanist funeral officiants on the Resource Page of this site. When […]

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